My name is Jenny Spadoni

I build responsive, accessible websites and web applications

Does your web presence need an update? If your company does not yet have a website, or if your site is not geared to work with mobile phone browsing - you are turning away customers before they even discover you. The way we interact with businesses and the web has changed. Having an accessible web presence is no longer a luxury - it's a necessity.

Your business or personal project deserves to be highlighted - and I can help you attract a larger audience. Whether you need a brand new website built from the ground up, or you just need an update to help you meet the demands of the mobile age - I'm here to help.

How can we work towards realizing your perfect website today?
  • Mobile
  • Code
  • Laptop

My portfolio

Feel free to browse through my latest projects.

A nicely done farm website

Services Offered

I work hard to help my clients bring their initial vision to life.
Knowing what to expect from working with me is key.

Here's a listing of what I offer every client.

  • Open Communication

    No one wants to have to guess if their work will be done on time, or to worry about where their project is in relation to their deadline. I promise to communicate regularly and openly every step of the project.

  • Consulation

    Our initial conversation will help us determine what your specific needs are, and lay out how we will work together. This step is important so I can fully understand the scope of your project and what is most important to you.

  • Proposal

    After I have a good idea of what you are looking for, I will present you with a detailed project proposal so we can decide on a plan of action together. A visual mockup will be included.

  • Creation

    Expect regular updates while I work the magic to bring your vision to life and thoroughly test out the website to ensure everything functions properly.

  • Launch & Support

    Your product will be handed off to you completely ready to go. If you need an update or further support, we can work together on a case by case basis to provide you with that peace of mind.

  • Ready to start?

    Feel free to drop me a line below so we can start talking about your project today.

Get to know me

Fullstack web developer, based in the Pacific Northwest

I love solving puzzles and looking for new solutions to old problems. Code should bring joy, and invite you to play around with it. I strongly feel that websites should invite creativity in design without sacrificing accessibility.

When I'm not coding, you can find me trouncing about in the mountains looking for cool rocks and wild animals. I also crave adventure and feel most free traveling around the world with a backpack and laptop. I've most recently explored Central America and Mexico, learning spanish and searching out the most perfect beach (Puerto Escondido has my vote).

Contact me

I'm currently accepting freelance clients and would love to chat about how we can work on showcasing your special project or business today. Drop me a line here, or email me at I look forward to hearing from you!